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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Reading Comprhension

Reading comprehension consists of two important aspects ie Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. In the new version of the TOEFL, the amount of about 50 items that include vocabulary, and reding comprehension.
1.   Vocabulary
This section consists of loose sentences are some of the words or he underlined.
2.  Reading Comprehension
This section usually consists of five or six aas script (reading) short, each of which is followed by some questions, and peranyaan these questions must be answered in accordance with the information expressed or implied in the text.
A. Tip-General Tips
Here are tips for TOEFL examinees can work on reading comprehension and vocabulary sections with ease.
1.  Begin with vocabulary questions 1-30.
Complete this section quickly and efficiently. Read each sentence quickly by focusing on a word or words underlined and the four answer choices.
2. If you have time take a look back over the reading comprehension questions.
Look back at the questions vocabulary only when you feel confident enough to answer reading comprehension questions.
3. Never allow the missed questions
Please answer all questions even though you are not sure of the proper answer to a question. In such cases you can do it by guessing answers the question according to your intuition.
B. Tips TOEFL Vocabulary Enrichment
A vocabulary test dieskan aspects in both the TOEFL Test-TOEFL-like, Intitutional TOEFL and the International TOEFL. For it must needs be, enrich we vocabulary with some of these tips.
1.  Read as much as possible a wide variety of reading materials.
Read as much as possible especially newspapers, magazines, books and encyclopedias that are academic and formal. When reading try to guess the meaning of words through context not you know, that take advantage of the other words in the sentence or passage as a clue to the meaning of words that are unknown to you.
2. Record new vocabulary
There are three possible ways and commonplace we do to record new vocabulary, that is [a] use a vocabulary notebook, [b] use of paper folding, and etc.. Here is an explanation of each technique noted the vocabulary.
a.      Vocabulary Notebook
One way to enrich vocabulary for TOEFL is providing cataan book kosakatayang want to learn. In the book it is necessary to note you can write words, pronunciation, definition, and examples of its use in a sentence. The benefits of this method is that you can collect new vocabulary, and is a means to review the old entries as new entries are made. The disadvantage is that the notebook will be a pile of vocabulary lists that do not mean anything if there is no continuous reconsideration as the following example.

Example Sentences
/ P: spikei s /
Having keen insight, judgment or understanding; Shrewd
If he had been more perspicacious, he might not have lost so much money on the stock market.

b.      Using Paper Folding
This way you take a piece of paper and fold it into three or four columns. In the first column you want to write the vocabulary studied. In the second column, write down your pronunciation and the word class, in the third column, the meaning or definition, and the fourth column of the example sentences using the word before, but the new words to be learned replaced with blank spaces.
c.      Use a good dictionary.
In essence, there are two kinds of dictionaries, each with different variations, primarily due to the number of entries and the content of the information offered. Of the many dictionaries available in bookstores, at least choose a dictionary that contains the following information:
·     Pronunciation of the word.
·     How to use the word grammatically, for example, the word class noun (n), verbs (v), adjective (adj), and so on.
·     Clear meaning and definition.
·     Example use of the word in the sentence or phrase.
·     Supplement: the origin of the word. This information can help you to learn new words by giving the meaning of the parts of the new word (prefix, word origin, and suffix).
C. Tips Answering Questions Vocabulary
To answer the dala TOEFL vocabulary, we need to use some tips or ways that can help us in the exam.
1.    Do it immediately without reading about how the command is working vocabulary.
Because the command TOEFL test reading comprehension and vocabulary sections are the same for all types of tests, if you already understand the correct command no longer need to read it so as to save time.
2.    Take the carefully but quickly
In connection with work on the problems carefully but quickly, there are some very important things that you need to look at, and apply such as:
a.   Time to work on vocabulary and reading comprehension section is only 45 minutes.
b.   Do not spend time for a vocabulary that you do not know.
c.   If there is residual waktum, you can see the back of this vocabulary questions after the reading comprehension section.
d.  Do not spend a lot of time for tough questions.
e.   Do not spend time looking for clues to understand a word you do not know.
f.    Do not spend time searching for grammatical clues because all the answers are grammatical choices can replace the underlined word, and not part of the vocabulary test grammar.
g.   Use the time to not spell out the word over its elements, because meskipunsangat helps enrich vocabulary, knowledge of word elements will not be much help choose the correct answer.
3.    Read the sentences about focusing on a word or group of words that are underlined or be in quotes as well as the fourth choice answer.
You do not need to know the meaning of all the words in the sentence. Most important is the word or group of words that are underlined or be in quotes. Therefore, do not be tempted by other words you do not know. because most, or even all of the sentences in this section do not have a clue context, there would be no point for you to know the meaning of words that are not underlined. In addition, try to figure out the meaning of other words in the sentence it will spend valuable time.
4.    Be careful of the words are ambiguous.
The words in the English language often has a double meaning. You should be aware that in the vocabulary section, the primary meaning of a word can be a wrong answer, while the secondary meaning of the word can be the right answer.
5.    Choose the most appropriate matching
You sometimes need to know the underlined word along with four answer choices. However, note that multiple choice answers taaran only differ in meaning. You have to choose the answer closest meaning to the underlined word. Therefore, although the answer (A), for example, look right, read all the answer choices before making a decision other than the last.
6.    Remember the trick or stratagem that may wear authors TOEFL test
Before you take the test, review the things you should NOT do during the test. The author is trying to provoke you to do these things, and have prepared the questions that will deceive you if not careful.

Sample Reading Comprehension
Advertising is a big business. You have to only leaf through a magazine or count the radio ot television commercials you hear during one evening to realize this. The number of mechanical toys and boxes of cereal that one told by television commercials alone is proof of advertising’s persuasion power.
Because advertising has so much influence on what we buy, and because it is so much a part of daily life, the advertising industry holds great fascination for jobs in advertising agencies.
The average person thinks of advertising as a glamorous exciting business, where brilliant young men and women think u catchy  slogans at a moment’s notice when they are not busy entertaining cutomers at expensive restaurants. Popular fiction has helped spread idea. But for the men and women who earn their living in advertising, it is a business that involves a great deal of hard, painstaking work. It is the business of persuading people to buy product and services or accept ideas.
1.   What is the main topic of this passage ?
a.   Painstaking
b.   Popular fiction has helped this idea
c.   Advert sing as a glamorous exiting business
d. Advertising is a big business
2.  Which of the following is closest in the meaning to the phrase leaf through in paragraph 1 ?
a.   To think it over
b.   To receive
c.   To leaf over
d. To turn over and over
3.  According to the passage, what for do the industries use advertising ?
a.   Giving information to the public
b.  To persuade customer
c.   Hear during one evening
d.  It is a slogan
4.  In paragraph 3, the phrase cathchy slogan probably means....
a.   Fascinated information
b.   Glamorous news
c.  Attractive slogan
d.  Boring news
5.  Which statement best describes the advertising business in this passage ?
a.   Persuasive power
b.   A glamorous exciting business
c.  Painstaking work
d.  So much influence on what we buy

DOSAGE: Adult twelve years old and over take two teaspoonfuls as needed, not to exceed fifteen teaspoonfuls a day. Children six years old to twelve years old take half adult dosage, nor to exceed seven teaspoonfuls per day.
WARNING: Do not exceed the recommended Dosage unless directed by a physician. Do not administer to children under six years old or to individuals with high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. This preparation may cause drowsiness. Do not driver or operate machinery while talking this medication. Chronic cough is dangerous if relief does not occur within three days discontinue use and consult your physician.
1.   According to the direction, which of the following people should take the medication ?
a.   Someone with high blood pressure or heart disease
b.   Someone with diabetes
c.   Someone makes six years old
d. Someone who has cough
2.  One of side effect of taking this medication that of ....
a.  Feeling sleepy
b.   Coughing
c.   High blood pressure
d.  addiction
3.  A ten-years old child should ....
a.    Not take this preparation
b.    Take two teaspoonfuls
c.   Take one teaspoonfuls of this preparation
d.    Take one-half teaspoonfuls of this preparation
4.  If this medication does not help within three days, one should ....
a.    Take fifteen teaspoonfuls on the fourth day
b.    Stop driving and operating machinery
c.   Stop taking it and see a doctor
d.    Take half of the usual dosage
5.  According to the instruction on the label of this medicine, from purpose of dosage adult is a person ....
a.    Six years old
b.    Seven years old
c.   Twelve years old
d.    None of the above

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