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Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ##

Toefl Structure

The topics of the sentences in the Structure section are usually academic, and many of them express basic numerical, biographical, geographical, cultural, scientific, or historical facts. Most of these sentences are factually accurate. However, spesial knowledge of the subject matter is not required in order to answer them correctly.
The TOEFL tests a wide variety of phrase-level structures but few whole-sentence structures. When you prepare for the test, you need to concentrate on noun, verb, adjective, preposional and adverbial phrases, and subordinate clauses in order to make the most efficient use of your time.
In the tests adminitered since 1986, the structures most frequently tested on the TOEFL have been :
1.     The form and function of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs;
2.    Parallel structure;
3.    Subordinate clauses, adjectives, adverb, noun clauses; and
4.    Subject and verb presence and agreement
Other frequently tested areas include :
5.    The active and the passive voice;
6.    Gerunds and infinitives;
7.    Prepositions, repeated meaning, verb tenses, and complete clauses.

Structure 1 : Form and Function
a.   Nouns and Noun Phrases
In 1848, Elizabeth Stanton Organized the first .... rights convention in the United States.
(a)   Woman                       (c) Women’s
(b)   Women                       (d) Woman’s
The answer is (c). The plural possessive noun women’s  indicates rights that belong to women.

Noise pollution can be controlled in a number of  way.
                 A                             B                     C                D
            The answer is (D). The phrase a number of  implies that a plural noun,  ways, should follow.
b.   Verbs and Verb Phrases
In the past 200 years, the earth’s atmosphare .... enriched in carbon dioxide.
(a)   Becoming               (c) Becomes
(b)   Have become                     (d) Has become
The answer is (d). The present perfect tense is usually used with the phrase in the past [time] (e.g., in the past 3 weeks, in the past 2 hours).

In some religions, people fasts for a period of mouring.
A                            B                C             D
The answers is (B). Because people is a plural noun, the verb fast should reflect the plural subject.
c.   Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
The earth spins around .... that connects the geographic North and South Poles.
(a)   The image and line                                    (c) That line imagined
(b)   Imagined the line                           (d) The imaginary line
The answer is (d). In this sentence, the preposition arround  is followed by the noun phrase the imaginary line.

Sweetly smelling perfumes are added to soap to make it appealing.
A                  B                   C                                         D
The answer is (A). The adjective smelling requires an adjective, sweet, to describe it, not an adverb.
d.   Pronouns
Young rabbits learn to feed .... when they are one day old.
(a)   So                                        (c) Much
(b)   And                                     (d) Themselves
The answer is (D). The plural form of the reflexive pronoun themselves refers to the noun rabbits.

Instead of going to a beauty salon, Mary cut hers own hair.
A              B                     C                                   D
The answer is (D). The possessive pronoun her (not hers) should be used when a noun (hair) follows.
e.    Adverbs and Adverb Phrases
Art critics and historians alike claim that Van Gogh’s art .... from that of his contemporaries.
(a)   Is a considerable difference           (c) The difference is considerable
(b)   Is considerably different                 (d) Was considerably and differently
The answer is (b). In the sentence, the preposition from is a part of the adjective-and-preposition structure different from.

Joseph Priestly eventual emigrated to the United States in 1794, where
he lived his remaining years in relative isolation.
B                    C                           D
The answer is (A). An adverb is required to describe the verb emigrated, as in eventually emigrated.
Structure 2 : Parallel Structure
Before any food is canned, it is thoroughly .... or sliced.
(a)     Clean cut                                        (c) Clean and cut
(b)     Cleaned and cut                             (d) Cleaned or cut
The answer is (b). Only (b) and (d) are possible in this sentence because these choices contain passive verbs, cleaned and cut and cleaned or cut, parallel to sliced. A structure containing two con junctions, ... or ... or, as in (d) is not use in most parallel structure.

Many Americans believe that food additive and other chemicals used
A                              B
in the production and processing of foods harm the body.
C                             D
The answer is (A). Food additive, a singular expression, is not parallel to the plural form of other chemicals.
Structure 3 : Subordinate Clauces
Proper packaging protects food .... in the freezer.
(a)     While it is stored                 (c) While storing
(b)     Stored while it                    (d) Is stored while
 The answer is (a). Because it is only choice amonng th four that is a complete adverb clause.

Many couples share the cost of a date and decide together what will they do.
A                B               C                                      D
The answer is (D). In a noun clause, the word order should be what they will do.
Structure 4 : Subject/Verb Presence and Agreement; Repeated Subject
None of the nutrients in soil .... found in sand.
(a)   Are usually                                      (c) Is usually
(b)   That is usually                                 (d) Typically
The answer is (c). None  is the singular subject of this sentence, and the verb should also be the singular  is.

Many old elephants they die after they lose their teeth and can no longer
A                B                 C                        D
chew food.
The answer is (A). Having both Many old elephants  and they  causes the sentence to have a repeated subject.
Structure 5 : Active / Passive Voice
Unless some rare plants ...., they may die out completely.
(a)   Protect them                                              (c) Protected
(b)   Are protected                                             (d) Are protecting
The answer is (b). Because a plural passive verb is necessary after plants.

Calculus was invented to deal with problems that could not be solving using
A                      B                                                           C
algebra or geometry.                             
The answer is (C). The passive form of the verb is necessary here. The correct clause would be that could not be solved using algebra or geomatry.
Structure 6 : Gerund / Infinitives
Most countries spend a large portion of their budgets .... for their citizens.
(a)   Education provided                                   (c) To education provides
(b)   Provide education                          (d) Providing education
The answer is (d). The sentence can be correctly completed by the gerund phrase providing education. None of the other three choices would form a grammatical sentence.

J. Davis devoted his last years  to write  at  his home in Biloxi, Mississippi, near
A           B                      C
the Gulf of Mexico.
The answer is (B). The verb devote  takes a noun or a gerund; in this sentence, the phrase to writing  makes the structure correct.
Structure 7 : Repeated Meaning (tested only in Part B of the Structure and Written Expression section)
Isadora Duncan danced in her bare feet and wore loose-fitting clothing garments
A                    B                                                          C
that allowed her freedom of movement.
The answer is (C). Clothing  and garments  have similiar meanings.

Light rays  that  enter the eye  must come to a point focus for a clear vision to form.
A                     B                                          C                                    D
The answer is (C). Come to a point  and focus  have similiar meanings.
Structure 8 : Prepositions / Prepositional Phrases
Several nations may use the same collors ....
(a)   Their flags with                               (c) In their flags
(b)   By their flags                                               (d) Flags in their
The answer is (c). In this sentence, the correct prepositional phrase is in their flags, as colors  are used in flags.

Often the bottom of a pan or skillet becomes black when it is placed among a fire.
A                              B                         C                 D
The answer is (D). The preposition among is used with more than two objects, as in among the students. In a fire would be correct.
Structure 9 : Articles / Article Form
.... who determines similarities in human group behavior lives with a group of people.
(a)  Anthropologists                  (c) An anthropologist
(b)  Anthropologist                   (d) The anthropologists
The answer is (c). Because in English most countable singular nouns are used with articles or pronouns, (b) would not be correct. (a) and (d) are plural, but a singular subject is necessary.

A adult elephant has so little hair that it appears almost hairless.
A                                B                           C                         D
The answer is (A). The correct form of the indefinite article before a word that begins with with a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u)  is an.
Structure 10 : Verb Tenses / Inversion
Electric trains travel faster than other types of trains, and they .... smoke or exhaust.
(a)   Did not produce                             (c) Had not produced
(b)   Do not produce                              (d) Are not produced
The answer is (b). Because the simple present tense travel  is used in the first part of this compound sentence.

Not only new  ideas change the development of modern science but
                                    A                                              B
they also make new inventions a part of daily life.
C                                                   D
The answer is (A). When a sentence begins with a negative such as not,  the helping verb (or sometimes the main verb) should be used before the subject, as in Not only do new ideas change the development of modern science.
Structure 11 : Adverb Placement
A guest .... respond to a written invitation by telephone or by mail within five days of receiving it.
(a)   That should always                         (c) Always
(b)   Should always                                 (d) All ways should
The answer is (b). When a verb phrase consists of a modal and a main verb, the adverb is placed between them.

Dictatorships generally lack the approval of the people and are never almost
A                                             B                               C
Hereditary when established through violence.
The answer is (c). Almost  usually precedes the adverb it describes: almost never.
Structure 12 : Main Clause Structure; Complete and Partial Clauses
Experts .... feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of th dreamer.
(a)    Study dreams                                    (c) Whose dream study
(b)    Who dream study                             (d) Who study dreams
In (a), the word study  can be either a noun or a verb. It cannot be a noun because the word Experts  has two verbs study  and dream  without a conjunction. (a) is not a good choice. (b) is also not a good choise because the phrase dream study  includes a verb study, followed by another verb feel. In (c), dream  is a noun because whose  precedes nouns, and in this case, these is no conjuction between study  and feel.
The answer is (d). The word order in a clause follows the subject-verb-object pattern: who (subject) study (verb) dreams (object).

Because children grow rapidly, need food not only to replace worn-out tissue
                                       A          B                                  C
but also to provide energy.
In (A), the adverb rapidly  follows the verb grow; (A) is correct. In (B), if need  is a verb, it has no subject. If need  is a noun, it has no verb. (B) is a possible answer. (C), to replace, is correct if need  is a noun, it has no verb. The choice (D) also seems correct because to replace may be parallel to to provide. The answer is (B). The subject they  is missing from the main clause: they need food...

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