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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Tugas (softskill) Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Listening Comprehension Strategy

Listening Comprehension is tested in the first part of the TOEFL. In this section you will hear a series of conversations (either dialogue or monologue) derived from a tape recorder or other audio device.
For most people, Listening comprehension is the most challenging and difficult in the TOEFL test. Because in addition to the actual TOEFL test requires require our ability to speak English, he also deals with the strategy that we used in the exams.
There are 3 kinds of the material to be tested listening Short Conversation, longer Conversation, and Talk. Before getting into the tips on how to answer each question. Here are general tips to do all parts of the listening.
Here are some strategies to answer the toefl listening test you can try :

General strategy
1.   Understand the forms of the command (Direction on each piece (part) well before the big day).
2.  Read -choice answers each question when the narrator was reading direction and example    problems (Directio already read before the day).
3.  Listen to full concentration and focus your attention on listening to the conversation that is being anada.
4.  Maximize the ability listeing the first questions of each part

Special strategies
PART A :  Short Conversation
This section consists of short conversations between two people (dialogue), both men and women. The conversation is usually the theme of daily life, from the workplace to the academic environment.
As for the keys that you can use in the face of Listening Comprehension Part A is as follows:
5.     Focus on the speaker to hear the second.
6.     Don’t panic if you don’t understand the conversation word for word in a complete, just need to capture the    ideas and content of the conversation.
7.     If you can’t understand what is said second speaker, choose the best answer is different from what you hear.
Example :
Woman    : I didn’t see you in the office yesterday. Was there something the matter?
Man          : Oh, I was not feeling so well after working overtime the other dat.
(A)   He worked overtime yesterday
(B)    He is busy doing his work
(C)   He was sick
(D)   He felt worse that than she thought

Penjelasan        : Dalam dialog singkat, pembicara kedua mengatakan, “I was not feeling well”, sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan pembicara ppertama. Ini merupakan kata kunci untuk memilih jawaban yang benar dari empat pilihan yang tersedia. Jangan memilih A karena ini sama persis dengan pernyataan pembicara kedua. Pilihan B salah karena sibuk dalam waktu sekarang tidak ada hubungannya dengan ketidakhadiran di waktu lampu. Pilihan C juga salah karena pembicara pertama tidak menyatakan demikian. Jadi, berdasarkan kata kunci dan sesuai dengan statement atau pernyataan pembicara kedua, yang sama artinya adalah sick dan jawaban D ini benar.

8.     Understand the functional forms of expression (agreement, suggestion, suprise, etc.), idiomatic expressions    and situations when the conversation is done.
a.   Action questions : What will the man/woman probably do?
Man                  : Are you sure you have corrected all the mistakes in the contract?
Woman  : I’d better read throught the paper again.
Narrator : What is the woman going to do?
(A)  Check the contract
(B)  Retype all the contract
(C)  Read the whole contract
(D) Ask the man to help her
Penjelasan : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, anda perlu tahu arti frasa dari kata kerja read throught, yaitu menbaca sampai habis. Dengan demikian, pilihan jawaban yang bener adalah C.
b.   Suggestion questions : What does the man/woman suggest?
Example          :
   Man          : I’m accompanying my mother to a wedding party at the Mandarin.
   Woman    : Don’t go like that. You had better change.
   Narrator   : What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A)  Go to another hotel
(B)  Wear different else to accompany her
(C)  Drive the woman’s car
Penjelasan : Berdasarkan tanggapan pemicara kedua yang mengatakan, “Don’t go like that. You had better change”. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada larangan dan ada anjuran dari pembicara kedua. Larangannya adalah agar tidak mengenakan pakaian yang sama dan dianjurkan untuk mengganti dengan pakaian lain karena akan pergi ke suatu pesta. Jadi, pilihan yang tepat mengenai saran pembicara kedua adalah B.

PART B : Longer Conversation
This section examined the long dialogue between two people. Each dialogue is followed by some questions. Conversations in this section is usually the theme of the life of the campus and the school, such as how a professor delivering the lecture, a conversation between two students in the present paper. In addition, this section also often take on the theme with the background of the news in the United States, such as environmental issues, health and so on.
As for the keys that you can use in the face of Listening Comprehension Part B is as follows:

9.     When the narrator discuss the direction part B should read the answer choices at a glance and then record it and predict what the theme will be discussed.
10.   When you listening to the conversation, you must know the theme/topic being discussed.
11.    Beware on each question.
12.   Pay attention to the conditions and situations that occur during a conversation regarding the place and time of the conversation, what and who discussed.
Example :
Narrator : Questions 1 through 4. Listen to a conversation between two people who are packing their goods for long journey.
Woman  : Hey, Ron. Would you help me put these clothes in the suitcase?. There are six of them.
Man        : Of course, Jess. Which suitcase do you want them to go?
Woman  : I’d like the shirts to be put in the red suitcase and the pants inside the black suitcase. What do you think?

Man        : I’m afraid the black suitcase is already full. How if we bring more suitcase?
Woman   : Okay. That would be fine.
Pertanyaan :
1.     Narrator : What are the man and woman discussing?
(A)  Taking some clothes
(B)  Buying new suitcase
(C)  Taking a trip abroad
(D) Putting some clothes in the suitcase

2.    Narrator : How many clothes are there?
(A)  Three                    (C) Five
(B)  Four                      (D) Six

3.    Narrator : Where will they put the shirts?
(A)  Inside the black suitcase
(B)  Inside the red suitcase
(C)  In the new suitcase
(D) In any suitcase

4.    Narrator : What is Ron probably going to do next?
(A)  Find a new suitcase
(B)  Put the pants in the black suitcase
(C)  Buy a new pants
(D) Put the shirts in the red suitsase
Penjelasan :
Pertanyaan pertama menanyakan apa yang sedang dibahas oleh the man dan the woman ?. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D, yaitu putting some clothes in the suitcase.
Pertanyaan kedua menanyakan berapa banyak pakaian di situ?. The woman menjawab dengan jelas ada six of them. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, yaitu six.
Pertanyaan ketiga menanyakan dimana baju akan diletakkan (where will they put the shirts)?. The woman meminta the man untuk memasukkan baju ke koper merah (red suitcase). Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, yaitu inside the red suitcase.
Pertanyaan terakhir menanyakan apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan Ron. Ron menyimpulkan bahwa ia harus membawa koper lagi (bring more suitcase) karena koper hitamnya (black suitcase) penuh (full). Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A, find a new suitcase.

13.   If you have many time, take a look at the answer choices listed in a booklet and find the key word.
14.   beware talks in sentences first because usually the topic for the next sentences.
15.   Focus on listening to things related to 5-W 1-H questions (What, Why, Who, When, Where) and How.
16.   Make a conclusions on the situation that occurs when the conversation is done.
Example :
Glimpse of the key words above gives a general overview of the topics that will be played Long Conversation. At least, that agile test participants will immediately capture the relationship of words-apartment-fire-damage hospital. It's good until this moment the mind is not developed anywhere until we hear the information that appears in the Conversation.
Narrator  : Questions 35 through 38. Listen to a conversation about a tragic event.
Woman  : Did you hear the story of the news this morning about apartment fire down street ?
Man        : I heard something about it. What happened exactly ?
Woman   : A fire started about three o’clock in the morning in an apartment complex with about twenty apartments. One of the apartments was completely destroyed, and several of the others were damaged.
Man         : Do they know how the fire started ?
Woman  : They are not sure at this point, but they believe that it was started by someone smoking in bed. It’s a shame that one careless person can cause so much trauma for others, not to mention the thousands and thousands of dollars of damage.
Man       : Even more serious than the damage to property is the harm to the apartments’ occupants. I hear that several residents were rushed to the
hospital, but at least none of them died.
Woman  : It’s all so frightening. Do you know of anything I can do to keep this from happening to me ?
Man     : I guess the best thing to protect yourself is to make sure that you have a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher in good working condition. The smoke alarm will give you an early warning that a fire has started, so you can call the fire department. If it is a small fire, maybe you can use the fire extinguisher to help put out the fire before the fire trucks arrive.
Woman : That’s a good advice. I think I’ll go home and check my smoke alarm.
35.   (A) Fire damage to some apartments
(B)   How to prevent fires
(C)   An apartment fire and what one can learn from it
(D)   An early morning news story
36.   (A) One was damaged more severely than the others
(B)   All the apartments were completely destroyed
(C) There was one thousand dollars of damage
(D)   All twenty apartments suffered some damages
37.    (A) They were killed
(B)   They were taken to the hospital
(C) The damage to the apartments was more serious than the harm to the residents
(D)   They weren’t frightened
38.    (A) Call the fire department
(B)   Rush to the hospital
(C)   Listen for a smoke alarm
(D) Have an alarm and extinguisher in good condition

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